Case Study: STRIDE

Notional acts as a Tendermint Subject Matter Expert (SME) to support the Stride liquid staking core development team. Stride is bringing liquid staking to the Cosmos ecosystem, allowing users to earn yeilds from staking and DeFi at the same time. Users can liquid stake any IBC-compatible Cosmos SDK native appchain token. You can read more about Stride on their official Github.

Notional provides:

  • Technical advisary support;
  • Advises on product strategy, development and deployment;
  • Keeps the team informed on key industry updates, patches, and vulnerabilities;
  • Provides on-call support for tendermint and Cosmos SDK related issues
  • Provides emergency triage and first responder crisis management in the event of a blockchain or infrastructure outage, or a black swan event.
This requires our team to always have someone on call to respond to questions and emergencies with the STRIDE team. This engagement, like many others, has led Notional to aim for a 5-minute response time for customer questions. Of course, this target is hard to meet and we do not always meet it, but we maintain faster response times than most blockchain-related teams as a result of our efforts to meet this benchmark. Responsiveness is key to the Notional package.

Some recent examples of support given to STRIDE includes:
  • Support for IAVL
  • Support for authz integration
  • Support for chain upgade to v4
  • Auditing of pull requests
  • Dragonberry patching, and more…

The Notional Labs team also writes code/submits pull requests, and develops new features, modules and upgrades above and beyond the scope of being subject matter experts (SMEs).